
The Missouri Physicians Health Program


The Missouri Physicians Health Program helps struggling medical professionals return to healthy lives.


The MPHP is available to all Missouri physicians, physicians in training, and medical students.

All communications are kept strictly confidential.

Let the MPHP guide the first steps to recovery for you, a loved one, or a colleague.

Consult us before taking action.


Real Help, Today

We provide confidential and anonymous services to physicians, their families, peers, and hospital organizations. If you struggle with substance abuse, mental health complications, or any other difficulties, or you know someone in the medical field who does, please get in contact with us.


Ready to take the first step?

If you, or a physician you know, are battling substance abuse, mental health complications, disruptive behavior, boundary violations, physical illness, or any other difficulties, please reach out.

There is no charge for initial meetings and consultations.

Please contact us as soon as possible. Delay can compound risk and complications.

The Missouri Physicians Health Program maintains a strict confidentiality policy. More information on the policy can be found here.

The MPHP is sponsored by

The Missouri State Medical Association


Get up-to-date with the MPHP. Our newsletter, The Physician Lifeline, is published six times a year.